
Root Canal Infection: Signs and Symptoms

A dental ailment referred to as root canal infection occurs when bacteria infiltrate the tooth’s inner chamber due to dental decay that is not treated or traumatized. Since the condition can manifest after bacteria attack the pulp, a fragile substance that forms the inner layer of the tooth, those suffering from a root canal infection must seek treatment immediately. The root canal procedure effectively eliminates the affected pulp and saves the tooth.

Tooth decay can spread quickly and lead to catastrophic signs. When oral bacteria penetrate the pulp of the tooth and a swollen root canal develops. Dental decay can cause damage to the healthy tooth structure if there’s not enough healthy tooth structure left to keep the tooth.

It is challenging to determine when a tooth requires a root canal. Only experienced dentists with a lot of knowledge can tell if the root canal procedure is needed using the appropriate methods.

Root Canal Infection Signs and Symptoms

It’s sometimes difficult to know if the tooth’s root canal needs to be addressed. Patients who do not require root canal therapy suffer from many different issues. However, only dentists with experience can detect specific, non-visible signs of an infection in the root canal.


The most apparent sign of suffering from an infection in the root canal is pain, leading patients to seek dental treatment. The root canal infection leaves an excruciating ache. If you apply pressure to the tooth that is hurt, the pain gets more intense.

Gum inflammation is another possible cause of discomfort. The gum turns sensitive and red due to the swelling. Most of the time, the area around the affected tooth is affected by pain and swelling. Contact pediatric dental specialists to get more details.

Tooth Discoloration

A tooth that is infected may become darker and browner or appear yellow. The tooth’s color can change as the tissues within the root canals get infected and develop a dark brown hue. The dentist will remove the tooth’s discolored material during root canal therapy, and then the tooth will be covered with crowns to improve its appearance.

Because of the limited blood supply, the tooth will change in color. Most of the time, tooth discoloration can indicate pathogenic nerve area changes. A tooth that is black in the shade usually shows that the nerve in the tooth is in a severe state of disease.

Dental Abscess

An abscess in the tooth can cause high levels of discomfort and bad breath. A pus-filled pouch develops at the tip of the tooth due to bacteria and dying pulp tissue. The gums are affected, and the abscess can result in a protrusion, a recurring red lump, or a pimple. In addition, it may start to release toxic fluids. Consult your dentist about treatment for your root canals.

Bad Breath

Bacteria can trigger a range of odor-producing illnesses, including dental infections. The harmful bacteria can quickly enter the root canal and start growing within the pulp chamber, producing a foul-smelling odor when the tooth enamel has been damaged due to decay, a cavity, or trauma. The pus leaking from your mouth can also trigger an unpleasant taste or smell, particularly if it’s extruding and draining.

Gum Tenderness and Swelling

Another sign that can be associated is swelling. Sometimes, it may appear normal, but it could be accompanied by gum soreness.

The swelling may be able to spread to the face or neck in stressful circumstances. It is often associated with tooth discomfort. The node can be similar to pain in the tooth, but it isn’t always a sign of an infection of the root canals. Visit a site like the Eberhardt Dentistry website for additional information.